--On 8 August 2008 14:16:49 -0400 "David F. Skoll" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Tilman Schmidt wrote:
>>> telnet isps-smtp-server 25
>> In my experience that's very unusual behaviour for a virus.
>> The vast majority try to connect directly to the recipient's MX.
> I see both.

Regardless, your responsibility as an MTA operator is to not emit 
backscatter. You can't be held responsible for backscatter emitted by an 
ISPs MTA when it hasn't detected a virus.

The ISP should be requiring the sender to use authenticated, encrypted 
SMTP, and the ISP should be able to detect forged sender addresses (they 
ought not to accept sender email outside of domains that they own), and 
should treat them with great suspicion when they do.

In fact, if you accept the email, then silently discard it, then you 
effectively endorsing the validity of the email. You'll be improving the 
reputation of the original sender in the eyes of the ISP.

Ian Eiloart
IT Services, University of Sussex
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