At 9:39 PM +0100 4/17/2010, Simon Hobson wrote:
Dan wrote:
So keeping up to date has it's own risks - hence why many people take the attitude of "if it aint broke, don't fix it".

But being a YEAR out of date?

Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.

Like I said, there ARE legitimate reasons for not always updating every bit of software every time an update comes out. Looking back, I've had more problems caused by updates

Yes, some updates can be problematic. But in this case, surely, there were updates during the year that worked just fine. In most cases, tho, I'm thinking the people complaining slacked off completely - unlike you, they didn't even bother to test the releases.

Wow. Freshclam has told you every day for .... a year+, that your installation was out of date. Plus the 6 months of messages about the EOL that have been posted. How much more notice do you need?

**Any** notice would be nice.
As I've already asked before, please tell me where in the message below (or the URL it includes) it says anything whatsoever about "your software will die" ?

Received signal: wake up
ClamAV update process started at Fri Apr 16 10:26:14 2010
WARNING: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED!
WARNING: Local version: 0.95.3 Recommended version: 0.96

Those two lines look fairly clear to me. Essentially they're telling you to get moving, get the update onto your to-be-done list. This is, of course, re-enforced by the repeated EOL announcements on Clam-announce.

I can think of two other ways this could have been done, with very little effort, and with little or no inconvenience to what you would consider superior admins. That's irrelevant now, you've done what you've done and it's not going to be undone.

Yea, I agree, the Clam team probably could have done things better. But would more announcements or warnings have really made a difference? Why would the people, that regularly ignore the Freshclam warnings, pay attention?

OTOH, I wonder how many of these upset admins have taken even partial responsibility - by admitting to their bosses that they failed to apply any updates to a critical piece of software, for over a YEAR?

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth.
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