On Fri, 2010-04-16 at 12:14 -0400, Bowie Bailey wrote:

> Obviously this is not a retroactive solution, but now that they know
> this may be necessary, something can be changed so that it can be dealt
> with more smoothly in the future.

It already has been.  0.95 recognizes signatures which can tell
freshclam to not update anymore.  So if in the future a new type of
signature is added that is completely incompatible with 0.95 or later
freshclam will no integrate any further updates into the DB.

What is also being missed is that anyone running 0.94 has been placing
an undue load on the update servers.  Has prevented the maintainers from
releasing more effective signatures for the 0.96 users.  If these
advanced signatures were to be released without a kill signature it
would have made clamav choke anyway.  This kill was an explicit method
of what would happen if the new features were enabled.  Instead of a
random death loading what looks like a normal signature, a message was
delivered spelling out what needs to be done.

I've seen commercial AV scanners go into non-functioning mode when an
incompatible signature was released.  Of course having a GUI meant that
I was told to download the new update.  Clamav on a server has no GUI,
it method of informing the user is it's log file.  Anyone running 0.94
has been warned for over two years that they're out of date.  Today that
warning became a requirement.


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