<h...@dip-systems.de> wrote:
After the last signature update, clam av stopped working on our woody

Is there no more support for this Debian Release?

No, according to certain people on this list, you are a cretin, and incompetent to even handle the off switch of a computer. If you check the list archives - particular for threads "(no subject)" and "Those EOL tweets" you'll see that you are far from alone.

There seen to be three groups - those who think it was handled really badly and were affected, a small group who think it was handled badly but weren't affected, and a group that thinks there is nothing wrong and it's all the end users fault - and especially that the ClamAV team did nothing wrong, deliberately interfering with other peoples servers is both morally and legally acceptable as long as they pretended to tell you first, and there was no other possible way they could have acted.

Even now when their stance has been shown to be full of logical holes, they still persist that anyone disagreeing with their "we did nothing wrong" stance are a bunch of whining losers.

That's how it comes across to me anyway.

Simon Hobson

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