To continue...

Since this is the year 2017, and 64-bit computing has been around for
years, I decided to see how a Windows AV package would handle my ISO
which is "too big" for ClamAV.

I copied it over to a 64-bit Win7 machine with lots of RAM (32 GB), and
scanned it with Microsoft "Security Essentials". The result?

1. It didn't complain about the size of the file.

2. It scanned 11424 items *within* the ISO!

I can understand (sort of) that ClamAV can't scan inside some archive
formats. (But then why did --debug report that the ISO module was "on"?)

But I can't understand why ClamAV can't handle files bigger than 4 GB.
Especially now that 64-bit OSes are common, and 64-bit CPUs are totally
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