On Mon, 2 Jul 2018 19:50:55 +0200
Reindl Harald wrote:

> > For me freshclam runs roughly every 2 hours, so I think that the
> > load is an order of magnitude higher than you state. I will confess
> > that I don't know about the capability of web servers in this
> > regard, but the point that d.net made was that the DNS server would
> > always be more capable in this regard than a web server  
> come on - our main-server running ina virtual machine spits out 30000
> requests/sec. on our core-cms in case of cache-hits and even on a 7
> years old workstation far above 10000/sec and that is *not* static
> content with a few bytes

How many requests/sec can a DNS server process?

Given that the clamav mirrors seem to be struggling (new system, I know)
I still think that anything that reduces the load they are serving ought
to be a good idea. Not my day job though...


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