On 7 April 2019 17:25:56 Arnaud Jacques <webmas...@securiteinfo.com> wrote:

... and one day I created a *huge* ign2 file and it crashed clamd. Ign2
files may not be appropriate to ignore tons of signatures.

From memory.. daily.info (inside the daily.cvd) contains the database names

If all phishtank sigs were moved into phishtank.ldb etc. and that name was placed into the daily.info as a separate entry..

Freshclam could exclude that database loading during the loading of databases.. If it matched an exclude pishtank.ldb command in freshclam.conf. Or maybe create a dataset.ign3 file which contains database names not to load at all.

Bigger picture would be move all android sigs into android.ldb etc and you could exclude those if needed to release memory and resources... All Windows sigs into a separate dataset etc.

The default would be to load all datasets.. but doing something like this would give endusers a choice without using ign2 entries for millions of sigs and without wasting time loading them into memory.

Both would need changes to freshclam and sigs.


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