On Wed, Apr 01, 2020 at 04:36:15PM +0100, G.W. Haywood via clamav-users wrote:
> Hi there,
> On Wed, 1 Apr 2020, Andrea Venturoli via clamav-users wrote:
> >I'm trying the combination Squid + C-ICAP + SquidClamAV + ClamAV, and I'm
> >seeing terrible performance.
> >...
> >Perhaps someone here is using the same thing or knows how to better
> >tweak the engine.
> I'm not surprised that the performance is terrible. :/
> To me it sounds like this will not be a quick tweak but a project, and
> a lot of work, but it might prove to be a valuable contribution to the
> security of a large number of users.

There's nothing new about HTTP scanning even with ClamAV.  I co-maintained
HAVP scanner (havp.org / havp.hege.li) for years, it had a very clever
method and worked fine.  But pretty much all websites are SSL encrypted
these days, so there's nothing to scan unless you do nasty man-in-the-middle
decryption.  Everyone has virus scanners on their PC, browsers have all
sorts of proctection etc.  The days of proxy scanning are long gone, it's
just categorizing and blacklisting urls these days..


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