Hi there,

On Tue, 7 Apr 2020, Andrea Venturoli via clamav-users wrote:
On 2020-04-01 17:36, G.W. Haywood via clamav-users wrote:

... I imagine you'll want to set up instrumentation to attempt to
measure the performance of the individual signatures - or at least
of the separate databases

You imagine right :)
Any idea how this can be achieved?

You can certainly run multiple clamd daemons - I do that routinely for
other reasons, using a custom milter - and load different databases in
each.  That would be a start at least.

I haven't given much thought to individual signatures but at worst you
could allocate one of the daemons for that purpose; maybe you name one
signature specially, say TEST-SIGNATURE, then create TEST-SIGNATURE as
whatever individual sig you want to test, then reload your single-sig
database containing TEST-SIGNATURE in the single-sig daemon (that will
be fairly quick if there's just one sig to load).  That could all be
automated fairly easily but it seems to me that there ought to be a
better way.  Maybe it's the kind of thing that could go in the ClamAV
Bugzilla as a feature request - something like "per-sig reporting". :)

I certainly don't subscribe to the view expressed in this thread (if
that's the view that was expressed, and I'm not simply misrepresenting
it) that this has all been done before.  Some of it has, sure, but it
still seems that there are issues, and room for some lateral thinking.




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