On Thu, Apr 02, 2020 at 08:14:21AM +0200, Andrea Venturoli via clamav-users 
> On 2020-04-01 19:38, Henrik K wrote:
> >> But pretty much all
> >> websites are SSL encrypted these days, so there's nothing to scan
> >> unless you do nasty man-in-the-middle decryption.  Everyone has virus
> >> scanners on their PC, browsers have all sorts of proctection etc.
> >> The days of proxy scanning are long gone, it's just categorizing and
> >> blacklisting urls these days..
> Well, you'll need MITM anyway if you want to see HTTPS URLs and be able to
> blacklist them.

There's always the request hostname which can be used..  for many
organizations that's enough to filter.


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