G.W. Haywood via clamav-users wrote:

> Hi there,
> On Sun, 13 Sep 2020, bobby via clamav-users wrote:
>> I noticed on my CentOS 8 machine, there are two different services
>> listed: clamd@multi-user.service  and system-clamd.slice.  I don't
>> have enough memory to run the first one, but only the second one
>> (192M).  Is clamd really running?  What is the difference between
>> these two services?  I only have 2 GB of memory.  Is there any way to
>> run clamd? I get this error when I try to run it ...
> You *might* *just* *possibly* be able to run clamd on a system with
> only 2G of RAM 

It _can_ be done, using cgroups to restrict the amount of memory used,
but it'll be doing a bit of swapping. 

For email processing, we run clamd on virtual machines with slightly
less than 3Gb memory, of which clamd takes up 1Gb.  

Per Jessen, Zürich (19.5°C)
http://www.hostsuisse.com/ - dedicated server rental in Switzerland.


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