I plan to use it for email processing.  I am using postfix currently. There
are no other users besides myself, and it's only one domain.
This may be a silly question to ask here... but is there any other
decent anti-virus software that does not take up as many resources?
I am currently running my box in DO, and it looks like the next step up for
RAM is 4GB.

On Mon, Sep 14, 2020 at 7:08 AM G.W. Haywood via clamav-users <
clamav-users@lists.clamav.net> wrote:

> Hi there,
> On Mon, 14 Sep 2020, Per Jessen wrote:
> > G.W. Haywood via clamav-users wrote:
> >> On Sun, 13 Sep 2020, bobby via clamav-users wrote:
> >>
> >>> I noticed on my CentOS 8 machine, there are two different services
> >>> listed: clamd@multi-user.service  and system-clamd.slice.  I don't
> >>> have enough memory to run the first one, but only the second one
> >>> (192M).  Is clamd really running?  What is the difference between
> >>> these two services?  I only have 2 GB of memory.  Is there any way to
> >>> run clamd? I get this error when I try to run it ...
> >>
> >> You *might* *just* *possibly* be able to run clamd on a system with
> >> only 2G of RAM
> >
> > It _can_ be done, using cgroups to restrict the amount of memory used,
> > but it'll be doing a bit of swapping.
> >
> > For email processing, we run clamd on virtual machines with slightly
> > less than 3Gb memory, of which clamd takes up 1Gb.
> You and I run clamd on dedicated machines for scanning mail.  The OP
> will probably want to run a browser as well. :/  A browser can use a
> gigabyte or more, so if you want to do everything on the same 2GB box
> then something will have to give.  Setting /proc/_pid_/oom_score_adj
> to a large negative value might prevent the OOM killer from reaping a
> clamd but you need to be careful; once upon a time I managed to get it
> to kill rpc.mountd instead, the consequences of which were unpleasant.
> The memory footprint in routine operation of course depends to some
> extent on the size of signature databases in use.  For recent versions
> of ClamAV it may double during reloads unless the administrator takes
> steps to prevent that.  To scan mail we run a standalone clamd server
> with 4GB RAM.  The couple of dozen third-party signature databases we
> use boost clamd's memory consumption up to about 1.3GB during normal
> operation and twice that on reloads.  Given that the size of signature
> databases seems to be continually (albeit fitfully) increasing, it may
> not be long before clamd needs 3GB just to reload the database without
> either driving the box into swap or pausing the scans.  If databases
> get a lot bigger, then it isn't beyond question that you won't even be
> able to run clamd with your chosen collection under 32-bit Linux.
> I don't know what the performance impact on scanning will be like if
> reloading does drive the system into swap, and wouldn't want to guess.
> It seems pointless speculating since memory is so cheap.  Our main
> clamd server is a Raspberry Pi 4B, its cost with 4G RAM about 50USD.
> You can get one with 8GB for 75USD (and I think they might have sorted
> out the USB issues now too, when I have the time for it we'll get one
> to see how it behaves. :)
> --
> 73,
> Ged.
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