Hi Micah,

On Fri, 23 Jul 2021, Micah Snyder (micasnyd) via clamav-users wrote:

I'm sad to hear how much effort it was to install CMake ...

It's the sort of thing that happens with computers. :/

... very surprised to hear that it crashed your machine.

To be fair it's not hard to crash a Raspberry Pi4B.  They're not at
all like the earlier models.  The 3B+ that I use for my desktop has
always been a lot more reliable.  Frankly if I knew three years ago
what I know about them now I'd have been against getting them, but a
lot of effort is invested into making them work and they pretty much
do what's needed of them for a power consumption of a few percent of
that used by the boxes they replaced.  Things like AMD Opterons can
use more power than a Pi just for the cooling fans.  Our Pis don't
have cooling fans.

... Which os/distro/arch are you using?

Linux, Raspbian (as near as dammit Debian), armhf.  Raspberry Pi4B,
4G RAM, all storage is NFS mounted over 1Gbit/s Ethernet.

You mention Debian Stretch (9) ...

That was then.  Now it's Buster (10).  In case it matters, I built
cmake just for the user which builds the ClamAV binaries, it wasn't a
system-wide install.  I didn't build these systems myself; I just did
the mail stuff, and I didn't want to break anything which might want
to use the system's cmake - I don't even know if anything does.

... in a new docker debian:9 container it takes 2.971 seconds ...
   real    0m5.178s
   user    0m2.971s

Well 5.178 seconds by the wall clock, but that was still over 3,600
times faster!

You're right that milter is required by default now.  The approach
with the old build system was so the optional stuff would be skipped
if you didn't have it. ... we ...  don't test the project in every
variation ...  users should still be able to expect that a default
build gives them all the features.

All understood.  To me it seems like a lot of big steps all at once
with a project that has so many users with such a wide variety of
systems, use cases and and skill sets but I guess we'll get to know
more about that when the 0.104 release actually hits the fan. :)

... you can use `-D ENABLE_MILTER=OFF` and then skip the milter ...

Sure, I saw that in the docs but didn't want to throw any more
spanners into the works than I had there already.  Normally I don't
build the milter because the clamd server doesn't run an MTA, my
own milters run on the mail servers and handle the communications
with the clamd server.

Sorry I really have zero interest in bringing back and update
Autotools for 0.104.  For what it's worth, we do plan to publish a
clamav 0.103.4 patch version alongside an 0.104.1 version in
probably 2 months (give or take).  Depending on how 0.104 adoption
goes, we could have an 0.103.5 version as well, but I don’t expect
that we will.

It doesn't matter to me of course, now that I've built a version of
cmake which can build ClamAV, but going back to the numbers of users
and the variety of systems I just wonder if it's going to cause you
pain further down the line.

Thanks for the help and thoughts, and good luck with 0.104. :)




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