Hi Gene,

On Wed, 28 Jul 2021, Gene Heskett via clamav-users wrote:

The next instruction line from INSTALL.md is:

cmake .. -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release"

Which generates this response:

CMake Error: The source directory 
"/home/gene/src/clamav-0.104.0-rc/build/CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" does not 

FWIW I followed the instructions at


under the heading "The Default Build".  The instructions in the
INSTALL.md seemed confusing, and, as I'm not familiar with cmake, it
seemed the closest to the way I usually build it with autotools (which
is described at


and is just


with which you're familiar) and it seemed like the simplest option.
The build went smoothly apart from the usual slew of scary compiler
warnings.  From the description of your experiences it looks like I
made a good decision although I can't take any credit for it - it was
just happenstance.  The build is on our dedicated clamd server which
is a Raspberry Pi4B which has 4G RAM and its root partition mounted
via NFS.

To recap, the build process was

$ cd ~
$ rm -rf clamav-0.104.0-rc
$ tar xzvf clamav-0.104.0-rc.tar.gz
$ cd clamav-0.104.0-rc
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ cmake --build .

This was just to test that the build process would work and report my
findings to the list.  I haven't run the install, I have no intention
of running 0.104-rc in production, and I haven't even run the tests.
The configuration and build each took around a quarter of an hour on
this machine, I'd expect it to be faster with a local root partition.

The troubles I had were all associated with installing a reasonably
up-to-date version of cmake, but hopefully they're behind me now and
with luck the main distributions will catch up in a few years anyway.





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