Hi @ all,
Hi Micah,

now i know what the problem is with clamscan (see text below in quote).
Strangely enough, with the same .eml files, all scans went through yesterday 
without any problems.
Today the very first scan caused clamscan to hang again, it just stopped 

For whatever reason, this happens when a mail is only a few kb in size but has 
absolutely no content, I opened the affected mail with every text editor, and 
it was empty in all of them.

Why this mail is empty from yesterday to today I don't know.
Here one would have to investigate and build in additional error handling.
The process just hung, with no error message or log.

@Micah Snyder: should I open a ticket on github?

kind greetings

Hi there,

do we have currently a problem with the database files?
my cronjob, stops without any error or something on scanning files and in case 
did not delete his tmp files.

Yesterday I have deleted a lot of mails and this solved the problem yesterday 
but today the same problem, with messages that yesterday worked well!

can anybody confirm this problem too?

@Micah Synder?

kind greetings

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