Mark Wielaard ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> What should be done to let Japhar and Classpath work together again?

Sufficient effort on the part of one of the developers.

> Note that I don't have Japhar or Classpath working at this moment.
> I have both of the current CVS trees, but Classpath seems to depend
> on Japhar to compile correctly and Japhar seems to need nspr which
> I have not yet downloaded. I don't have a lot of experience (none
> to be exactly :) with the build process or with the way Classpath
> and Japhar should work together. But I do have some free time now
> and I am willing to learn.

If you browse through the Japhar mailing list archives at you'll see some info
on how to get NSPR.  I had some probablems getting it to work 
correctly.  There should be a message there describing my solution.
Japhar can work with the JDK classes, and that is probably
best for now.
> If there is any other way I could help please tell.
> I saw that there is no java.applet, java.util.jar or yet,
> which seem not to hard to write. There are a lot of java.awt classes missing,
> which is probably a lot of work, but maybe I could begin writing some
> simple classes that are missing (are all java 1.1 awt classes already done?)
> Are you going to use the ninja rmi classes that kaffe is working on (under
> lgpl I believe) or should they be adapted especially for Classpath?
> And ofcourse there is no javax.swing yet but I would not know where to start
> with that package since I have absolutely no experience with it.
> If Classpath wants to deliver any of the "standard" java tools such as
> appletviewer, jarsigner, javadoc, keytool, javap, native2ascii, serialver,
> jar, maybe I could start writing those.

I'll have to get back with you on this one.  BTW: java.applet is done
and supposedly someone has coded, but I haven't seen it.
The version we distibuted back in February is seriously outdated.
We have done quite a bit since then.


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