Hi again,

On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 1:41 PM,  <nscl...@gmx.de> wrote:
>> ns-3 has no notion of processing delay as of now.
> Thanks Lalith for the information.
> My problem is that an element with the following code (for testing purposes) 
> influences my simulation results. If I comment the lines for scheduling, the 
> simulation results are ok.
> How can the following code influence the simulation result? The only thing 
> the code does is configuring the scheduler for the next event. But the code 
> does not produce packets for the simulation.
> Could someone explanin me how a code that only schedules itself can influence 
> the simulation?
> int Foo::initialize( ErrorHandler * )
> {
>         _timer.initialize( this );
>         uint32_t start = ( random() % _period );
>         _timer.schedule_after_msec( start );
>         return 0;
> }
> void Foo::run_timer(Timer *)
> {
>         int period = ( int ) ( _period * .95 + ( random() % ( _period / 10 ) 
> ) );
>         _timer.reschedule_after_msec( period );
> }

The above snippet of code can end up changing the sequence of events
that arrive at ns-3's scheduler.

What I meant when I said that ns-3 does not model processing delay, is
that every packet is processed by an ns-3 node in 0.0 nanoseconds in
simulation time.

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