The amount of comments is difficult to balance and yes as you get more
experience, you'd rather cram
as much code lines in a screen shot as possible. 0 comments ? No that's
not good. The other extreme he shows
is also not viable. If maintaining the comments takes as much time as
maintaining the code, productivity
will inevitably suffer. 

We need to find a balance; short function synopsis, critical code
section comments, ...
These should be the basis from which we write comments and should be
readable without the code so
you get a minimal comprehension of what the code does without having to
read the code entirely.
It does not mean however that it should replace the code when looking
for the details.
Anything else that transcends the code modules should be in an external

The other subject of Steve's post is much more important than the part
about comments.
He's absolutely right about meta data overkill... and there's nothing
funny about it when you look at the overall situation.

If I look back at the Java code my team wrote in the last 4 years, there
is less
human generated code lines than meta data configuration lines and
generated code lines from this meta data.
Typically written in XML which is so cumbersome that you need a schema
sensitive editor to create valid files...
A task by itself that has nothing to do with coding. Are these XML
configuration files really self describing ? 

The number of frameworks out there with their specific configuration
weirdness makes transitions from one to the other at best awkward.
As soon as you hit a major bug or want to do something that is not
supported or does not fit in a framework you're left nude on the
ice bank. If you have invested heavily in configuration files and not in
the code so your options are limited and require significant
In the life of a project, it's not good...

At least if you are using code libraries you can modify the code locally
to circumvent the problem. With frameworks it's
much more complicated to do, do you have access to the code ? Do you
have resources to fix the issue without compromising the
framework ? What about maintenance ? Can you expect your fix to make it
in the next release or is it too specific to your
project to ever make it in the general code base ?.... All these options
are far from fixing a limited code chunk in a library.

People have been less and less polyvalent in the last 10 years. Those
lucky enough to work deep enough
with different technologies should make sure they keep that skill and
open mind. I feel things will eventually change
because the industry track record has not improved at all with this
bureaucratic approach to software.

The industry tried to replace intelligence (coders creating effective
code) by some fabrication process driven by robots (writing
endless configuration lines to generate code, specify behaviour, ...)
while the anarchitects and DBA model the universe
down to the atoms...
Meanwhile the project time lines and budgets are busted and the
pertinence of the code delivered drops.

I've seen projects where intensive modelling made the performance so
unbearable that some extra time was added
at the end of the project to get rid of some of the modelling to get
back some performance.
Some of these projects were killed because there was no way you could
retool them to remove the performance 
bottlenecks without redoing the project.

Too much modelling kills but it does not mean that you do not need a
model, you have to know when to stop.
But that's out of reach for most of the model addicts out there.

You do not need a modelling tool to built a flexible model, you need a
minimal set of rules to which your system should stick to avoid
The industry replaced this common sense by these heavy tools that
created the trend that you should model everything to ensure the code is

Tools like Rationale are the worst, they pretend that you can create
code from a model without hand crafting the code...
I've seen code generated by these tools and it's basically unreadable.
Things are broke down to 10 lines classes, there is no way you can
really understand the code except if you understand fully the model and
hence what the modeler had in mind.

The industry has been seeking the Holy Graal to replace the coder by
some formal bureaucratic process since the end of 1970's
and what we have seen in the last 10 years is another failure to reach
that goal. Bureaucracy cannot replace intelligence.
We see this in our respective governments and how they "manage" public
services so why would we expect a better outcome
in creating software the same way ?

Is this thread unpleasant ? Looking at the world without pink glasses is
not funny but taking the time to understand
things gives you a sense of where we come from and where we might be

As for Steve's post, it's about serious matters. 

Nonetheless, have a Happy New Year :))) and sorry for the heavy post... 


On Thu, 2009-01-01 at 09:32 -0600, Hugh Winkler wrote:

> I hesitate to extend this unpleasant thread, but here's a relevant
> post that definitely takes a stand on the commenting issue:
> As usual with Steve, it's a funny post, so I hope nobody takes it too
> seriously :)
> Hugh
> On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 9:49 AM, Tom Ayerst <> wrote:
> > "'Redundant comments are useless' is the mantra of the dilettante, the
> > amateur, and the cowboy."dilettante, the amateur, and the cowboy"", ouch.
> > Redundant comments are... redundant (hence the name), and a support overhead
> > and a source of misunderstanding if they are not updated in line with the
> > code.  If you are writing code that will be read by people familiar with the
> > language and idioms and using meaningful names then a small number well
> > targeted comments are usually enough (Personally I do like a comment on each
> > function saying what it is for, doc strings look like the right solution for
> > this).
> >
> > Having said that; redundancy is a matter of context and I could use more
> > comments and meaningful variables in example code, I am acquainted with
> > Scheme so I can work my way through, but it is easy to get lost in the
> > homogeneous syntax and unfamiliar constructs and idioms.
> >
> > When trying something new the fewer gumption traps the better and it is
> > important to make sure information is to hand, this could be done through
> > repetition or by the application of a little more indirection; earlier in
> > the thread Mark asked if people would be aware of how to set up a clj
> > script, good question and a link to the place that explains how, when you
> > need it, would be very useful.
> >
> > Personally I don't think we need standards and stuff, what we need is some
> > more "code with training wheels" (lots comments and links taking you through
> > it very gently).  That is not really Rich's job, he is to busy inventing the
> > thing, I think Mark's evolving example is great and a few more like it
> > covering other areas would be fine things and I hope to add to them myself
> > when I am a bit more familiar with Clojure.
> >
> > That was a bit more rambling than planned.
> >
> > Happy New Year
> >
> > Tom
> >
> > 2008/12/31 Simon Brooke <>
> >>
> >> On Dec 29, 3:15 am, Rich Hickey <> wrote:
> >> > On Dec 28, 8:13 pm, "Mark Volkmann" <> wrote:
> >> >
> >>
> >> > I'll not argue for making code harder to read, but I have to object to
> >> > most of your example.
> >> >
> >> > Making something 4x longer does not make it easier to read.
> >> >
> >> > Redundant comments are useless.
> >>
> >> This is the excuse continually trotted out by people too lazy to
> >> comment, or who think themselves superior to merely mortal programmers
> >> who have to work in teams and actually communicate with people.
> >> Redundancy in communication is almost never redundant; think of it as
> >> a checksum.
> >>
> >> ...
> >>
> >> 'Redundant comments are useless' is the mantra of the dilettante, the
> >> amateur, and the cowboy.
> >>
> >
> >
> > >
> >
> > 

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