Please do the list a favor and read the very long threads about performance.
 You cannot expect to enter a new language run a microbenchmark you would
never see in a running programming and expect that to be anything like a
real comparison.
Here's something unlikely but far less so (something like it might
_actually_ appear in a real program):

t=timeit.Timer('class Sprite():\n\tx = 5\n\ty = 5\n\tvel = (5, 5)\n\tdef
__init__(self, nx, ny,
nvel):\n\t\tself.x=nx\n\t\tself.y=ny\n\t\tvel=nvel\n\n\nfor n in
range(1000000):\n\tSprite(5, 5, (9, 10))')
> 1.1212704896926879


(defstruct sprite :x :y :vel)
(time (dotimes [x 1000000]
(struct sprite 5 5 [9 10])))
> 262.041ms

4X faster. But it really doesn't prove anything any more than your example
does.  Play around with Clojure long enough, and you'll find for many many
things, it is far faster than Python.

This is not a rag on Python, I enjoy Python hacking myself.

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