On 2 Feb., 16:35, Gregory Petrosyan <gregory.petros...@gmail.com>

> Clojure rev. 1173:
> user=> (defn fac [#^Integer n] (reduce * (range 1 (+ 1 n))))
> #'user/fac
> user=> (time (reduce + (map fac (range 1000))))
> "Elapsed time: 944.798019 msecs"
> Python 3.0:>>> import timeit
> >>> t=timeit.Timer('sum(fac(n) for n in range(1000))', 'from functools import 
> >>> reduce; from operator import mul; fac = lambda n: reduce(mul, range(1, 
> >>> n+1), 1)')
> >>> t.timeit(10)/10
> 0.35052159800038679
> This is XP SP2 on Core2 Duo, with 3Gb of RAM.
> As you can see, Python is almost 3 times faster on this
> microbenchmark! Can anybody explain this to me? (No flame wars,
> please, I am really interested in why the things are as they are, is
> it considered ok or not, and what can be done to make Clojure faster
> on similar tests).

Hi, welcome in the group.
Can you please write that program in Java and see how well it
performs for you?
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