this is an interesting question to me.  Seems like there are at least two
parts: a) do you like compilation and static code analysis, b) do you like a
strong type system?

Some has already been said about (a) and more about (b).  For me, it's still
bizarre in python that I can be running a program that actually has *syntax
errors".  I can do things like, "how do I exit the program again when I
accidentally end up down this branch? . . .oh, who knows, just put some
nonsense there, and the program will crash"  No, I don't really do that on

The reality is that a program that compiles is not necessarily a correct
program, but there is something to be said about learning the techniques
that force the errors to occur at compilation time . . . .for example,
saying: "if (3 = a)" is caught at compile time because it should have been
"if (3 == a)", but "if (a = 3)" would happily work in C++.

Likewise, a program that appears to run correctly on a non-exhaustive case
isn't necessarily right, in general. But in it's defense, the running a
program is all that counts.  That's what the program is for!  Test driven
development can be seen, then, as a better mode for the developer to spend
the majority of time.  I just think, like some others, that it's most
effective to have smart IDE's that pretend to run the code ... or pretend to
compile the code as you go.  It's true that testing as you go is the more
disciplined thing to do, but it can also be kind of tedious when you're just
trying to have fun.

On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 1:16 AM, zoltar <>wrote:

> Hey everyone. I've been keeping up with developments in Clojure for a
> few months now and have a question for all you long-time static typers
> out there (I know you're there :)
> I really like what I read about Clojure and LISP in general and can
> see the potential for great power and flexibility. I know the
> advantages/disadvantages of static vs dynamic languages but I can't
> help feeling like I'm losing something whenever I try Clojure. I am
> admittedly brainwashed after years of C, C++ and Java but I miss the
> warm fuzzies when I know the compiler has checked all the types for me
> and I don't have to worry about a whole class of run-time errors. I'm
> willing to give that up for the advantages Clojure gives me but I was
> wondering how others have dealt with the loss of these static warm
> fuzzies. I always feel a bit lost in Clojure, not knowing what types a
> function expects or what it will return. I suppose this goes away in
> time but any advice is appreciated.
> Curtis
> >

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