On 16 Mar, 22:31, André Thieme <splendidl...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> The behaviour of Clojure can be seen as a disadvantage, yes, because
> you either need these forward declarations, or you need to arrange
> functions different.
> But it also protects you from typos. And this can be even more
> important. Imagine you have a complex program and accidently
> made a typo, and this will go unnoticed for days and days, until
> the program actually runs your code...

I agree that such checks are very useful, but:
- why should you wrestle with them also when you are just sketching
out some code at the REPL? Much of the code you are writing is going
to be trashed, so why should you bother keeping up with declarations
- why, when you finally save the source file as a module and and
compile it, the compiler should not be smart enough to read every
definition until the end of the file before complaining?

Your needs change when you are sketching a prototype versus when you
are finalizing the project. Don't you agree?

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