Hi Ilya,

I would like to be able to demo the sample code from the book in IDEA.  
Here are a few things I am seeing so far:

(1) When I set a breakpoint, I get a warning icon that says "no  
executable code found at..." but the breakpoint does in fact seem to  

(2) The variable window correctly displays collections, but not large/ 
infinite sequences. If you try to open a variable view on an infinite  
sequence, it will use all of memory. Can the plugin be modified to  
respect the *print-length* and *print-depth* variables?

(3) I am unable to set a watch on the special variable *print-length*.  
The entry UI goes wonky when I reach the hyphen character in the name.

It's exciting to see the plugin moving forward, thanks for your efforts!


> Hello, all.
> I've just uploaded new version of La Clojure plugin for IntelliJ  
> IDEA. Among several bugfixes and minor changes I have to note  
> several essential moments.
> 1. Now Clojure support is added as so-called `facet', which may be  
> attached to every module. Creating new module, just choose Clojure  
> among desired technologies. In this case necessary clojure jar will  
> be downloaded automatically and adjusted as a project library unless  
> you point to it manually.
> 2. If you open existing project, clojure facet will be detected  
> automatically. For now facet serves as a label for clojure-aware  
> modules. In that modules you may invoke "create new clojure file"  
> action and their clojure files will be compiled.
> 3. From now IntelliJ IDEA provides support for batch compilation of  
> Clojure files, whose namespace is marked by :gen-calss tag. Compiled  
> classes will be places to the appropriate output directory of a  
> module. One may choose, which sources should be compiled first -  
> Java or Clojure to resolve one-way dependencies. By default Clojure  
> is compiled first. Moreoverm you may to choose whether to copy *.clj  
> files to output path or not (this might be useful if you're going to  
> invoke some functions from *.clj files dynamically). And, of course,  
> automatic detection and compilation of class-labeled clojure files  
> may be switched off. For more details see File -> Settings ->  
> Compiler -> Clojure.
> For someone these settings might seem not sufficiently flexible. So,  
> all comments and proposals are appreciated. :)
> With best regards,
> Ilya Sergey
> >

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