
>>> As long as you unpack your deps all in one place and stick to the same
>>> classpath conventions, the fact that you can't change the classpath at
>>> runtime is not a significant problem.
>> Can you kindly explain exactly what kind of conventions you follow as
>> far as laying out the code, dependencies are concerned?
> Sure. It's explained in this post.
> Basically:
> * Source under src/
> * Tests under test/
> * AOT bytecode under target/classes/
> * Dependencies all unpacked together under target/dependency/
> Since I use the same conventions for every single project, I never have
> to change my classpath.

Many thanks.

I tried using your clojure-project script, I am facing two problems:

1. When I try running the function on a fresh Emacs, it bails out
because swank-clojure-extra-vm-args is not defined at that stage. I
fixed that by running the SLIME repl once before running the
clojure-project function.

2. After that, it still fails to work as it remains stuck at the
"Polling /tmp/slime.634..." stage.

Any pointers?


Baishampayan Ghose <>

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