
>> Another question. Where do I put the clojure & clojure-contrib JAR files?
> If you use the M-x clojure-install command, this should get all the 
> dependencies.
> If you're getting stuck at the "Polling" stage, it's probably because
> you didn't do M-x clojure-install. If you do that and you still see the
> error, then paste the contents of your *inferior-lisp* buffer for
> debugging.

OK. I found the problem. I didn't unzip clojure.jar inside
target/dependency. Now it works fine, which brings me to another issue.

Do I have to unzip all dependencies into target/dependency? Can't I work
with just JAR files? For example, I really wanted to put the
clojure-contrib.jar in the folder, but it didn't work. I had to unzip it
and then it worked. Same with some other external deps.

Is there any way for me to just put the JAR files somewhere and get them
added to the classpath?

Thanks in advance.


Baishampayan Ghose <>

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