I am seeing more like 1.8 seconds for the raw version, vs. 2.8 seconds for 
slurp (master branch). Can you post a complete example (including the clj 
script you use, and what version of Clojure), so we can be apples-to-apples?


> For the record, this program runs in 3.3 seconds so I guess that
> points to the implementation of slurp:
> (import '[java.io BufferedReader InputStreamReader])
> (let [reader (BufferedReader. (InputStreamReader. System/in))
>      file-data (StringBuffer.)
>      buffer (char-array 4096)]
>  (loop [total 0]
>    (let [num-read (.read reader buffer)]
>      (if (not= -1 num-read)
>        (do
>          (.append file-data buffer 0 num-read)
>          (recur (+ total num-read)))
>        (println total)))))
> -- 
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