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Hi everyone!

I have hacked the Clojure core to add durability to refs.  The syntax
to create these is (dref <val> <key> <path>), where <key> and <path>
are strings.  Then you use them just like refs.  Creating a dref
creates a global identity, such that subsequent dref calls to the same
key and path will get the same dref.  On subsequent dref calls, the
<val> will be ignored and the persisted value used.  This includes in
subsequent VM instances.

Get it here:  git://

1. <path> refers to BDB JE databases which get created in the "data"
directory of your project.
2. BDB JE is used.  I'm ignorant of IP and licensing issues.  Making
BDB JE core to Clojure is probably an issue.
3. Currently only a subset of Clojure primitives types is supported.
No BigDecimal or Ratio yet.  See the comprehensive list (and
serialization mappings) at the bottom of src/jvm/clojure/lang/  BDB JE TupleBindings are used.  Submissions welcome,
especially for the persistent data structures.
4. How do we approach the problem of storing objects with lexical
5. Unit tests welcome!  I didn't do TDD since the work is in Java and
there's no Java-level tests in the project.  Please add your own in
test/clojure/test_clojure/drefs.clj.  I'm new to concurrency, so tests
along those lines would be awesome!
6. The ACID part is not really guaranteed!!!  STM is currently one-
phase-commit.  I inserted two-phase-commits to the data stores in the
middle of the one-phase-commit.  There's the remote possibility that
STM in-memory changes fail AFTER writing to disk.  It's REALLY remote,
but it is possible.  STM would have to be made 2PC to make this
airtight.  That's way beyond my current grasp of both concurrency and
Clojure implementation.
7. I was aiming for an API where <path> is optional.  However, I
didn't want to stray from the ref API, which has variable arity.
Suggestions on how to reconcile the two are welcome!
8. To maintain global identity, I use a static cache, which requires
non-hard references to avoid OOM issues.  This is my first time doing
this, so please check my code to make sure that I'm doing it right.
I'm using SoftReferences, though WeakReferences may be better for real-
life usage patterns.  Let me know!

Please dig in!  Feedback appreciated!
Alyssa Kwan

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