On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 4:56 PM, D L <lio...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 7:34 PM, Ken Wesson <kwess...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 4:25 PM, Dimitre Liotev <lio...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >      you can not set and query such a variable in a Bash script.
>> Code has already been posted to this thread that does exactly that.
> Let me rephrase this for you: you can not set and query such a
> variable in the standard,
> conventional, predictable Bash way. This is what matters. No point in
> devising ways to
> torture users by forcing them to use ugly hacks for something as basic
> and simple as
> setting a variable.

But the standard way of "setting a variable" in bash would presumably
not, in a Windows port of bash, affect the environment as seen by
native programs anyway, since clearly bash has a different idea of
what an environment variable is, how it can be named, and so on than
Windows does, and so seems to necessarily have a different environment
than Windows's.

Then, no matter what it's named, if a Windows application uses a
Windows environment variable it will be more awkward to manipulate
from a Windows port of bash than an emulated native unix environment
variable, and likewise more awkward than a true native unix
environment variable manipulated on a unix machine and used by a
native unix application.

But this is all entirely beside the point:

1. The OP just wanted to *set* the variable and call Clojure-CLR. That
problem is solved. A claim was mooted that it was unsolvable without
renaming the variable, and that claim was decisively proved wrong.

2. Subsequently, a claim was mooted that though it was admittedly
possible to *set* the variable it would not be *possible* to read it,
and thus to set it to a function of its prior value -- and THAT claim
was decisively proved wrong.

3. So now you admit that it IS possible, but instead of leaving it at
that, you just change your objection -- AGAIN -- this time to say that
it's *too inconvenient*.

4. On top of all of this goalpost-moving by what seems to be either a
Sybil attack or a tag-team of opponents ganging up on me, there's the
minor little matter of the fundamentally questionable assumption they
(you) are making, which is that developers of native Windows
applications should be adhering to Unix naming conventions for the
convenience of that tiny fraction of Windows users that use a port of
bash to Windows as their command shell instead of using native tools
such as cmd and Explorer! Taken to its logical extreme, such a
position is probably untenable, as it's likely that if you intersected
the subsets of names and other practices that would be allowed and
convenient for all operating systems you'd wind up with the empty set
and become paralyzed into inaction. :) "You can't please all of the
people all of the time", and apparently the same goes for operating
systems. It's generally regarded as acceptable for Windows-native
applications to adhere to Windows conventions, unix-native ones to
unix conventions, and so forth; and here we have a Windows-native
application with an environment variable name that lies within the
realm Windows allows to manipulate conveniently, but happens to be
awkward to deal with in unix. I'd say that that's too bad for the unix
user affected by it, but not a foul by the Windows community, and it's
not even the biggest unix/Windows impedance mismatch out there -- how
about cr/lf vs. lf? Space-ridden case-insensitive file names that need
to be quoted to move to unix, and cause collisions sometimes moving
the other way? Name collisions are certainly a larger inconvenience
than having to -- my God! -- use sed a little bit. :)

Protege: What is this seething mass of parentheses?!
Master: Your father's Lisp REPL. This is the language of a true
hacker. Not as clumsy or random as C++; a language for a more
civilized age.

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