On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 11:45 AM, Laurent PETIT <laurent.pe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Jay,
> I'd like to learn a little bit more from what makes you prefer emacs
> over IntelliJ.
> As the main developer of Counterclockwise, I'm I could learn some
> ideas, if not lessons, from your experience.

Sure, responses inline-

> 2013/1/28 Jay Fields <j...@jayfields.com>:
>> There are too many reasons to list, but it all comes down to a
>> simple question for me: do you want the ability to easily automate tasks
>> that you often repeat?
> Is this really the core of your concerns? Are you talking about the
> ability for you to write new elisp scripts, or to benefit from a bunch
> of existing elisp scripts from the emacs community? Is this mostly
> related to the fact that Clojure support in IntelliJ is lacking in key
> areas? Or is it really the liberty that comes with emacs lisp that you
> value overall? (And is it overrated, or not ?)

What's already written is great (clojure-mode, paredit, magit, ace
jump) and the ability to extend via elisp is equally nice. Here's a
"grep defun init.el"
(defun run-expectations () ;;; run all the tests for my project
(defun run-expectations-for-source () ;;; run the tests for the src
file I'm currently editing
(defun rerun-last-run-expectations () ;;; rerun the last tests,
regardless of what buffer I'm in
(defun toggle-expectations-and-src () ;;; go to test for src or src
for test, depending on which I'm already in
(defun clojure-comment-sexp () ;;; comment an entire sexp instead of
only commenting a line
(defun switch-project (project-root) ;;; close all buffers, restart
the repl, set my project dir, etc
(defun grep-string-in-project (s) ;;; find a string in my project
(defun grep-string-in (s project-root) ;;; find a string in a dir -
defaulted to my project root
(defun default-window-layout () ;;; layout my buffers in my usual way
(two pane, src & test)
(defun console-layout () ;;; layout my buffers with src on left and
logs on right
(defun clear-nrepl-server-output () ;;; no matter what buffer I'm in,
clear the output in the nrepl server buffer
(defun create-clj-function ()  ;;; create a new function with the name
of the currently selected symbol
(defun extract-let (var-name) ;;; extract a let with the currently selected sexp
(defun inline-let-var () ;;; inline instances of a var from my let

Basically, I can switch to a project, set my buffers (split horizontal
or vertical), search, run tests, & run the app all with commands that
I've defined (or keystrokes that I've defined).

>> IntelliJ is great at automating some things (e.g. Import namespace), but if
>> you want to extend its functionality it's a significant task. Conversely, I
>> now open my projects with a keystroke,
> Can you describe this "open my projects with a keystroke" feature to me?

the elisp
(defun switch-project (project-root)
  (interactive (list (read-directory-name "Project Root: "
(locate-dominating-file default-directory "project.clj"))))
  (when (equal current-prefix-arg nil)
    (mapc 'kill-buffer (buffer-list)))
  (cd project-root)

in english
select the project root, kill any currently running nrepl,
conditionally kill all existing buffers, set my working dir, start a
new repl. At that point I can navigate (C-x C-f **) to my "main"
namespace and run my "start" function (C-x C-e ***) to start my
project in the context of my newly running repl. The bottom of my main
namespace will probably look like
So, I go to the space following the closing parenthesis on the start
line and C-x C-e to evaluate (start) - which starts my app.

Now my app is running and I can C-x C-e on any sexp in my codebase to
change anything. I can stop/start any third party connections, reload
configuration files, send fake data to the UI, or anything else I
want. Since I can evaluate any snippet of code in the context of my
app, I can do anything. Often it's as simple as simply looking at the
values of an atom or ref, but it can also be: reload the config file
to pick up a change I just made to point to a new 3rd party server,
restart the 3rd party connections, redefine the 3rd party data handler
to print the incoming data, then redefine the 3rd party data handler
to store it in the appropriate atom, then print the value of the atom
for verification.

I have an interactive environment that I can eval any snippet in. I
can develop new features without starting and stopping my server, and
see the changes immediately.

** Find file
*** Evaluate the Emacs Lisp expression before point, and print the
value in the echo area (eval-last-sexp).

>> start my app with a keystroke
> same question. Is it mostly (only?) leiningen apps with a repl ?

Answered above, but, yes, a leiningen app, connected to emacs with nrepl-jack-in

>> I also automated running tests, creating tests that do not exist, and
>> navigating to tests.
> Can you point me to the emacs lisp which does this ? I would be
> interested in studying a little bit what kind of API it provides to
> you, the user (without digging into tons of reference material: a
> concrete example like you automating running tests would be great to
> look at)

https://github.com/gar3thjon3s/expectations-mode allows you to run
expectations in emacs
automated navigation

Basically, emacs comes with a fn that allows me to figure out what the
project root is, then I use convention to determine where a test
should live (and create it if it doesn't exist), then I run it using
what's already available in expectations-mode, or switch to that
buffer using what emacs exposes to switch to buffer (a.k.a "open

I'm not sure if that's clear, but I'm happy to send more if you have
more questions.

Cheers, Jay

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