On May 28, 2013, at 15:05 , Mond Ray <mondraym...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Quite a few views but no bites ... what have I done wrong in asking this 
> question? If you can't help with the problem would you please take a moment 
> to help me understand what has put you off? 

It would help to post less code, to make it easier for people to zero in on the 
critical parts. For example, it's not necessary to include 'fetch-atom-chunk 
and 'fetch-atom-feed since you can just post some sample parsed data (which you 

When I try running your predicate against your sample data, the predicate 
returns false because 2013-05-27 isn't after the feed's :UPDATED date. Might 
you have the arguments to 'after? reversed?

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