Clojure 1.9.0-alpha8 is now available.

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- Dependency: [org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0-alpha8"]

1.9.0-alpha8 includes the following changes since 1.9.0-alpha7:

The collection spec support has been greatly enhanced, with new controls 
for conforming, generation, counts, distinct elements and collection kinds. 
See the docs for every, every-kv, coll-of and map-of for details.

instrumenting and testing has been streamlined and made more composable, 
with powerful new features for spec and gen overrides, stubbing, and 
mocking. See the docs for these functions in clojure.spec.test: instrument, 
test, enumerate-ns and summarize-results.

Namespaced keyword reader format, printing and destructuring have been 
enhanced for lifting namespaces up for keys, supporting more succinct use 
of fully-qualified keywords. Updated docs will be added to soon.

Many utilities have been added, for keys spec merging, fn exercising, Java 
1.8 timestamps, bounded-count and more.



- [changed] map-of - now conforms all values and optionally all keys, has 
additional kind, count, gen options
- [changed] coll-of - now conforms all elements, has additional kind, 
count, gen options. No longer takes init-coll param.
- [added] every - validates a collection by sampling, with many additional 
- [added] every-kv - validates a map by sampling, with many additional 
- [added] merge
- [changed] gen overrides can now be specified by either name or path
- [changed] fspec generator - creates a function that generates return 
values according to the :ret spec and ignores :fn spec
- [added] explain-out - produces an explain output string from an 
explain-data result
- [changed] explain-data - output is now a vector of problems with a :path 
element, not a map keyed by path
- [added] get-spec - for looking up a spec in the registry by keyword or 
- [removed] fn-spec - see get-spec
- [added] exercise-fn - given a spec'ed function, returns generated args 
and the return value
- All instrument functions moved to clojure.spec.test


- [changed] instrument - previously took a var, now takes either a symbol, 
namespace symbol, or a collection of symbols or namespaces, plus many new 
options for stubbing or mocking. Check the docstring for more info.
- [removed] instrument-ns - see instrument
- [removed] instrument-all - see instrument
- [changed] unstrument - previously took a var, now takes a symbol, 
namespace symbol, or collection of symbol or namespaces
- [removed] unstrument-ns - see unstrument
- [removed] unstrument-all - see unstrument
- [added] instrumentable-syms - syms that can be instrumented
- [added] with-instrument-disabled - disable instrument's checking of calls 
within a scope
- [changed] check-var renamed to test and has a different signature, check 
- [changed] run-tests - see test
- [changed] run-all-tests - see test
- [changed] check-fn - renamed to test-fn
- [added] abbrev-result - returns a briefer description of a test
- [added] summarize-result - returns a summary of many tests
- [added] testable-syms - syms that can be tested
- [added] enumerate-namespace - provides symbols for vars in namespaces


- [changed] - inst-ms now works with java.time.Instant instances when 
Clojure is used with Java 8
- [added] bounded-count - if coll is counted? returns its count, else 
counts at most first n elements of coll using its seq

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