On Sunday, October 19, 2014 12:29:01 PM UTC-7, Colin Yates wrote:
> Any advice for a newbie about to embark on a new non-trivial SPA using cljs, 
> om and (om-)bootstrap. 
> I am not a newbie in terms of CSS, JS (coffeescript for the win!) or Clojure 
> (despite the evidence :)).
> The app itself will live on an internal LAN with a small number of clients, 
> heavyish logic but low load. It will be heavily influenced by CQRS and event 
> sourcing, with the server transmitting "domain events since you last checked 
> in" to the client.
> In particular, what do you wish you had done differently, specifically in 
> regard to:
>  - using JS from cljs (which unfortunately still makes my eyes bleed :))
>  - integrating 3rd party components (e.g. jquery ui) with om
>  - unit testing (previously used midge work but I think I will stick with 
> core.test with the humane plugin)
>  - cross browser javascript (I assume the google closure library helps here)
>  - hooking up a browser to the REPL (IE8 unfortunately!)
>  - web sockets/polling (again IE8)
> I am close to finalising on (but counter-arguments welcome!):
>  - Cursive clojure (falling back to emacs if necessary - so far it isn't)
>  - lein-cljsbuild
>  - garden for CSS (but happy to hear stories around asset management)
>  - core.typed
>  - core.test or midje
>  - transmit for encoding data
> (I have had a look at luminus and it seems great. However, I "get" om 
> architecturally more than reagent and I have already settled on a number of 
> other libraries. I have also looked at pedestal but it needs to be deployed 
> on Windows which they don't support.)
> Anything you wish somebody had told you before you started?
> Thanks a bunch!

One more thing regarding library support in Sass. Many of the frameworks you'll 
find out there which give you a responsive grid, button helpers, etc. are 
trivial to implement in Clojure. Many times it's just simple arithmetic or map 
manipulation. Some frameworks like Compass have no answer but unless you need 
that level of sophistication (many times you don't) you should be fine.

Here is a responsive grid system and modular scale: 

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