Ruslan, ampere looks interesting. You've taken the handler/middleware code from 
re-frame and combined with javelin to make ampere. Is that a fair assessment? 
I'll have to have a look at javelin.

On May 14, 2015, at 9:45 AM, Ruslan Prokopchuk <> wrote:

> And that is why they should be compiled, not implemented directly in main 
> language of the project. I've made experimental yEd diagrams → CLJ(S) FSM 
> compiler and executor ( Simple example of its 
> usage could be found here 
> — open 
> resources/example.graphml with yEd 
> ( to see how control logic of 
> handler is defined. What is the real fun, that it is easy to spot an error in 
> the logic looking on that graph. If you rewrite this state machine in textual 
> code, you will get something harder to inspect.
> четверг, 14 мая 2015 г., 6:39:02 UTC+3 пользователь Erik Price написал:
>> Finite state machines are a useful modeling tool, but when implemented in 
>> code they can involve a lot of boilerplate and complexity. These days I 
>> prefer Rx-like paradigms for sophisticated handling of asynchronous events.
>> e
>> On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 5:54 AM, Khalid Jebbari <> wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> As a Javascript web developer, I'm thinking more and more about a good way 
>> to design interface so that I don't create a mess. Because I think the 
>> current "state of the art" of web UI development and frameworks is still a 
>> big mess.
>> React.js and the CLJS wrapper around them help a bit but not that much I 
>> think.
>> My goals are the following :
>> - construct the complete UI logic outside of anything web related, so that 
>> it's testable without a browser and usable in other contexts (CLI, back-end, 
>> scripts, whatever)
>> - being able to *visualize* the logic without having to read all the code, 
>> through diagrams and other means.
>> I've heard in several places that state machines are a good way to handle 
>> such cases, since they're inherently event-driven and the web is too.
>> So I start researching. The wikipedia page 
>> ( and the various linked 
>> pages are very instructive and indeed explain that a FSM can be used to 
>> model UI interaction. I found this 3-parts article series from IBM 
>> ( that 
>> implements a tooltip using a state machine.
>> Then I found 2 clojure libs that helps design a state machine : reduce-fsm 
>> ( and automat 
>> ( Both have the *very* nice feature of 
>> being able to generate a state diagram from the code, but only automat 
>> provides support for CLJS.
>> I think a state machine fits very well with React.js and as so the various 
>> CLJS wrappers, since :
>> - in an event-driven state machine, there's a loop listening to events. This 
>> event-loop is naturally provided by web browsers
>> - defining strictly and formally the available states helps reduce bugs and 
>> maintain the application
>> - the output is always defined by the combination of the input and the 
>> current state, which is *exactly* what the render function of React 
>> component are about : displaying DOM based only on the state of the 
>> component.
>> Since this state is purely data, and CLJ/CLJS are kings when it comes to 
>> data, the benefits would be to be able to test the logic a component outside 
>> of the DOM and have components that simply emit events (with the associated 
>> payload) to the state machines.
>> The various libs in the CLJ/CLJS ecosystem can help greatly :
>> - the aforementioned automat lib to design and visualize a state machine
>> - Prismatic's Schema (, Herbert 
>> ( and the likes to formally specify data 
>> types/shapes that come in and out of the state machine
>> - test.check to generate lots of input to the state machine and check the 
>> output. This can't replace UI testing, but can complement it a lot. Note 
>> that Herbert is de facto compatible with test.check
>> - The various React.js wrappers to take this state and simply project it to 
>> the DOM.
>> This post is basically a reflection on the subject that I wanted to share 
>> and not lose in my mind since I'm new to state machines, and a question to 
>> the community : did you already use a state machine to program a web UI ? 
>> Successfully ? With which tools ? What do you think of the various libs (aka 
>> "the stack" lol) proposed above ?
>> I know that a simple state machine trivially implemented with no libs at all 
>> and may seem often overkill. This post from Spotify 
>> (
>>  and this response 
>> ( are 
>> really interested real world examples of usage (or not) of state machines.
>> Phew ! It was long, I hope I wasn't boring and I'm looking forward to your 
>> answers. Let's discuss !
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