dustymabe added a new comment to an issue you are following:
> The main reason given for keeping "two partitions" by default with 
> docker-storage-setup is so that users can easily switch back to devicemapper 
> if there are critical issues with OverlayFS.

I would like to also point out that one other benefit would be to prevent 
containers from cannibalizing your root partition.

> However, there is currently no tool which actually allows users to switch 
> back to devicemapper without repartitioning.

IMHO in the world of container registries and such I would be less worried 
about the content that exists on the machine (container images, containers 
etc). If there are two LVs (and thus two partitions) one can choose DM or 
overlay2. If they want to switch between the two, blow away the one that exists 
and start over. If you want to keep your containers, store them somewhere else 

> Therefore, the reason given for maintaining two partitions as the default is 
> invalid.
> If that reason is invalid, we should again consider making "one big 
> partition" the default for Overlay2 installations.

I prefer overlay2 and would like to see there be only one option so that we can 
have less confusion in the future. However, giving users the choice is nice as 
well. Maybe there is a way to achieve both on startup. 

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