
Thanks a lot, very much appreciated.

I've tested the vc6-fixes-working branch and out of the box, VC6 throws just
one error -- when compiling SegmentInfos.cpp:
.... error C2593: 'operator <<' is ambiguous
which happens on this line:
.... (*infoStream) << "[SIS]: directory listing genA=" << genA << "\n";

In my previous post, I used (int32_t) as a stopgap:
(*infoStream) << "[SIS]: directory listing genA=" << (int32_t)genA << "\n";

Microsoft suggests this:
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#if _MSC_VER == 1200
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, __int64 i ) // borrowed from
    char buf[20];
    sprintf(buf,"%I64d", i );
    os << buf;
    return os;

With either of the 2 fixes above, both CLUCENE_CORE and CLUCENE_SHARED
compile okay.

Thanks again for your time & effort.

Could you advise whether VC6 fixes will live in the branch you created -- or
will they be merged into master?


On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 1:14 AM, Veit Jahns <>wrote:

> 2011/10/9 Veit Jahns <>:
> > - Put #if-macros around the fixes, where I thought there are only VC6
> specific.
> > - I didn't integrated your fix in IndexInput.h. I think this was a
> > error caused by the error in ByteSliceReader::clone()
> Forgot to mention: I changed also your fixes with the static_casts.
> Here you made downcasts. But the pointer there can also point to other
> subclasses of Query. So I made it a static upcast on the other side of
> the comparison.
> Veit
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