On Wed, 2008-02-27 at 13:36 +0000, Matthew Allum wrote:
> Hi;
> On Wed, 2008-02-27 at 14:25 +0100, Murray Cumming wrote:
> > 
> > Ah. Now I feel less confused.
> > 
> > This ID-to-color stuff doesn't need to be done by the pick()
> > implementation right? Whatever color pick() uses to paint(), everything
> > will actually be painted in this special color?
> > 
> Right the color to use is passed in the pick method. Also check the
> source of clutter_actor_paint().

Does that mean that these pick() implementations are wrong, because they
call the paint() function, which presumably uses the wrong colors, and
sometimes _only_ call the paint() function:

static void
tidy_frame_pick (ClutterActor       *actor,
                 const ClutterColor *pick_color)
  /* chain up, so we get a box with our coordinates */
  CLUTTER_ACTOR_CLASS (tidy_frame_parent_class)->pick (actor,

  /* paint our child, if any */
      TidyFramePrivate *priv = TIDY_FRAME (actor)->priv;

      if (priv->child && CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_MAPPED (priv->child))
        clutter_actor_paint (priv->child);

static void
tidy_scroll_view_pick (ClutterActor *actor, const ClutterColor *color)
  gint x, y, width, height;
  TidyScrollViewPrivate *priv = TIDY_SCROLL_VIEW (actor)->priv;
  /* Paint a background */
  cogl_color (color);
  x = CLUTTER_UNITS_TO_INT (priv->box.x1);
  y = CLUTTER_UNITS_TO_INT (priv->box.y1);
  width = CLUTTER_UNITS_TO_INT (priv->box.x2) - x;
  height = CLUTTER_UNITS_TO_INT (priv->box.y2) - y;
  cogl_rectangle (x, y, width, height);
  tidy_scroll_view_paint (actor);

static void
tidy_notebook_pick (ClutterActor       *self,
                    const ClutterColor *color)
  tidy_notebook_paint (self);


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