On 05/30/2012 02:22 PM, Stephen Kelly wrote:
> Brad King wrote:
>> Also the code near calls to GetShouldUseOldFlags is not
>> indented with our convention.
> I've had a look, and I don't see the breaks from the convention. Can you say 
> what commits and hunks?

In the makefile generator:

+    if (this->LocalGenerator->GetShouldUseOldFlags(shared, l))
+      {
+      this->LocalGenerator->AddSharedFlags(flags, lang, shared);
+      } else {
+      // Add position independendent flags, if needed.
+      if (this->Target->GetPropertyAsBool("POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE"))
+        {
+        this->LocalGenerator->AddPositionIndependentFlags(flags,
+                                                          lang,
+                                                          targetType);
+        }
+      if (shared)
+        {
+        this->LocalGenerator->AppendFeatureOptions(flags, lang, "DLL");
+        }
+      }

and similarly in Ninja.  The "} else {" construct is not consistent
with style in the rest of our code.

> I haven't tried to implement the XCode patch
> I might be able to try making one at some point in the next few weeks, but 
> if someone else can do that, it would be great.

Thanks for your patience with so many rounds of review.
I think the topic is in good shape other than for Xcode.
I'll try to look at Xcode when I get a chance.


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