You could code some complicated conditionals and use counters in Specs, but
much simpler: look into JUXTAPOSE.

Mike Harding
z/VM System Support

CMSTSO Pipelines Discussion List <CMS-PIPELINES@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on
09/22/2016 07:47:03 AM:

> From: "Stanislawski, Shawn (National VM Capability)" <>
> Date: 09/22/2016 07:47 AM
> Subject: Not-always-directly-sequential record references in PIPEs
> Sent by: CMSTSO Pipelines Discussion List <CMS-PIPELINES@VM.MARIST.EDU>
> I'm sure this has to be a very easy question, but unfortunately I'm
> still struggling with it.
> How can I turn this file (Original) :
> "
> *VOLUME: AA1A11  TYPE: 3390     UTILIZATION: 99%
> *FREE*     2          54         55         *FREE*                 POOLA
> *FREE*     2          194        195        *FREE*                 POOLA
> *FREE*     1          614        614        *FREE*                 POOLA
> *VOLUME: BB2B22  TYPE: 3390     UTILIZATION: 73%
> *FREE*     500        1          500        *FREE*                 POOLB
> *FREE*     165        1040       1204       *FREE*                 POOLB
> *FREE*     5          1706       1710       *FREE*                 POOLB
> "
> Into this console output (Result) :
> "
> AA1A11 3390   2          54         55    POOLA
> AA1A11 3390   2          194        195   POOLA
> AA1A11 3390   1          614        614   POOLA
> BB2B22 3390   500        1          500   POOLB
> BB2B22 3390   165        1040       1204  POOLB
> BB2B22 3390   5          1706       1710  POOLB
> "
> ....using PIPEs?
> I know I can use SPECS to rearrange the data in a single record, so
> getting Result columns 3-6 is easy.
> The problem I cannot seem to figure out is how to:
> 1.       take the two columns of data from the "*VOLUME:" record then
> 2.       prepend that to the front of each "*FREE*" record ,
> 3.       and when next "*VOLUME:" record encountered then use that
> new data to prepend to the next set of records.
> I was trying:
> "
> 'PIPE (endchar ?) < SOMEFILE MAP A'  ,
>   '| A: FIND *VOLUME'               ,
>    '|    SPECS W2 1 W4 NW'           ,
>    '|    VAR VOLSER1 TRACK'          ,
> '?A:|    COPY'                       ,
>    '|    COPY'                       ,
>    '|    SPECS /'VOLSER1'/ 1 1-* nw' ,
>   '|    CONSOLE'
> "
> ...but it looks like REXX Variable "VOLSER1" is not getting set -
> instead the PIPE literally prepends the string "VOLSER1" to the
> front of the records.
> Any ideas?
> --Shawn S.

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