Seems to me the recurring reason for preference for a forum is simplicity in 
searching the list archive when you have a question. As I recall that is pretty 
easy using Google – though I use the function so seldom I’ve forgotten exactly 
how to do it.


I have a subfolder in my email called “Boat Stuff”. If I see a message with 
content I feel I will want to access later – maybe a project or a technique or 
a recommendation for a certain piece of gear – the message gets moved to the 
“Boat Stuff” folder and gets archived on my own hard drive. 


I think the last time I actually searched for something in the list archive was 
when my hard drive fried and I lost my old “Boat Stuff” folder.


And I feel I should point out that, were this a forum format, there is little 
likelihood that anyone on the list except Stu would have seen the question that 
you asked in your post. In list format we all get asked the question.


With List format, the recent discussion that started with a comment on the VOR 
grounding morphed into a discussion of proper navigation techniques, the value 
of paper charts, and what is actually required to be on your boat. In my 
opinion that sort of information is useful to everyone. But in Forum format one 
would need to search for the VOR grounding in order to stumble onto the chart 
discussion, AFIK.


Rick Brass

Washington, NC




From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of RPH via 
Sent: Saturday, March 14, 2015 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Email List or Forum


I am a relative newbie here, but I would very much prefer a FORUM and I would 
certainly make a donation to help cover the costs. 


Frankly, I am a little surprised that there is so much support for the list 
over a forum format (though I obviously respect opposing points of view) . 
Stupid question: is it possible to have both so that emails sent on a 
particular subject show up as posts on a thread identified by that subject? 


Robert H. 



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