Thank you all for the responses on this subject.  I got information I was 
looking for:

* The Gulf Yachting Association PHRF Committee conducts an annual review. The 
minutes of the most recent annual review show +3/-3 adjustments based on 
* The Narragansett Bay PHRF Committee reviews boat performance regularly.  Its 
principles state that handicaps are adjusted on the basis of the boat's 
* At Shawn Wright's club (somewhere in British Columbia), the club handicapper 
provides a rating and it is reviewed after each series of races based on 
* In PHRF Lake Ontario, classes that consistently perform differently from 
their rating get reviewed by PHRF-LO Central Council every year.

I believe that such regular reviews and adjustments based on observed 
performance are part of the intent of PHRF.  For example the class rules 
<>) of PHRF of 
Southern California, which started PHRF (see 
<> and 
<>), provide for up to 
three rating reviews per year for a boat, in section 4 of the class rules.

I asked about this because I suspect not every Regional Sailing Association (to 
use the US Sailing term) conducts regular reviews and adjustments based on 
observed performance.  And in my opinion that is a problem.  My RSA, the 
Sailing Association of Intermountain Lakes (, in US Sailing’s 
Area F), appointed a new PHRF Chairperson this year, who reviewed ratings as 
annual PHRF certificates were renewed, but any adjustments made were not based 
on observed performance.  Rather they were made by looking at “the book” 
<>/) and 
averaging ratings for a boat from other fleets with “similar" conditions (Area 
F inland lakes).  As a result two boats in my club’s PHRF fleet, which do not 
win regularly, were rated faster - while the boats that win most often kept 
their same ratings.  While I understand the logic for the methodology, it 
doesn't seem aligned with the intent of PHRF, and seems somewhat arbitrary.

As noted in this thread, there is a range of ratings across RSAs for the same 
boat.  In the case of the C&C 30 MK I, it’s an 18-second range from 168-186.   
There is no information in “the book” about predominant conditions to justify 
different ratings in the range.  Nor is it possible to tell what a given RSA’s 
rating about a boat assumes, e.g. folding propeller or not.  So there seems to 
be a bit of arbitrariness in the system.

I’m lobbying in my club and RSA for regular reviews and adjustments based on 
observed performance.  So I’m glad to find precedent for that amongst the 
organizations in which members of this list race.

Best Regards,
Randy Stafford
S/V Grenadine
C&C 30 MK I #79
Ken Caryl, CO

> On Dec 15, 2019, at 6:18 PM, Michael Brown via CnC-List 
> <> wrote:
> The clubs in PHRF-LO submit race results at the end of the season.
> All the data gets entered and we get race analysis back. Some filtering
> goes on to drop nights with wind issues, boats that raced less than
> three times, races with less than three boats.
> Classes that consistently perform ( calculated ASP ) differently from
> their rating get reviewed by PHRF-LO Central Council every year.
> Michael Brown
> Windburn
> C&C 30-1
> From: Randy Stafford <> 
> To: <> 
> Sent: 12/12/2019 5:36 PM 
> Subject: Stus-List PHRF Reviews and Adjustments 
> Well Lee, since you bring up PHRF reviews, let me ask you listers, how often 
> do your clubs or RSAs conduct rating reviews and adjustments?  
> The introduction in “the book” 
> ( 
> <>) says 
> under heading "Considerations when using this listing to determine a handicap 
> by averaging fleet data” that "After the initial handicap is chosen and the 
> boat is raced, an empirical analysis of performance may permit a more refined 
> estimate of its speed potential.”  And a review of 
> <> 
> shows that most clubs derive handicaps from “the book,” then review and 
> adjust based on local experience. 
> So, how many of y’all do that?
> Cheers,
> Randy


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