Here it is Russ,

The problem I have with the social distancing guidelines is that there is no 
provision for safety concerns or variations for the length of the vessel.  As 
you are no doubt aware the safety requirements are based upon vessel length but 
with these guidelines there is no provision for the length of the vessel.  So 
on a larger vessel, where you could maintain social or physical distancing and 
safely operate the vessel with a few crew the guidelines seem overly 
restrictive.  Here the current limit for gatherings is 5 at the present time.

The image of a canoe doesn’t do a lot for the credibility of this poster.

I assume as these are guidelines only they are not legally binding and do not 
override safety considerations; however, it seems none of the sailing 
associations do anything to challenge these guidelines, they just accept them.


-----Original Message-----
From: CnC-List <> On Behalf Of Russ & Melody via 
Sent: May-04-20 2:10 AM
Cc: Russ & Melody <>
Subject: Re: Stus-List Spring Fever

Hi Rod,

Do you have a link for that Transport Canada notice?

  I can't find anything about it... seems kinda odd though, being as small 
boats are typically a provincial jurisdiction. Although there are a ton of tiny 
bureaucrats jumping on this covid flu thing to enhance their own importance.

We had the RCMP at some boat ramps discouraging people from going out to fish 
at the same time the Chief Public Health officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, was telling 
people to get outside.

Weird times indeed. It might be time to regain some of our rights since the 
hospitals are empty and not overwhelming them was the whole purpose of lockdown.

         Cheers, Russ

At 03:36 PM 5/3/2020, you wrote:
>Thanks Neil hopefully they will allow groups of
>5 or less but they couple that with social distancing.  Additionally 
>Transport Canada currently says you can only have family you live with 
>on the boat, regardless of the size of the boat.  Hopefully that will 
>change, last Friday you weren’t allowed to work on your boat so that 
>has changed.


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