Hi Don,

It was me who started this converstaion on looking up the manufacturing
Trying to find out if my 1986 C&C44 was made in Canada or the US.
My hull number is:

When I look it up online it tells me the boat was made in Aug. 1985 but not
where it was made.

Thanks so much!

On Sat, Jun 25, 2022, 2:14 PM Don Kern via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>

> Ron,
> I have been collecting data on the C&C for quite a few years and have run
> into the problem of what Portsmouth RI actually built due to the apparent
> use of both ZCC and CCY for Hull No.  The 38s are one of the problems with
> the Landfalls and Mk-2s.  I originally was under the impression that the LF
> 38s were built in Portsmouth, RI with HIN ZCC and Mk-2s only in Canada (HIN
> - CCY), but have run into exceptions.
> Can you you provide me with a full hull number and where your C&C 38 Mk-2
> was built?
> Don Kern
> Fireball, C&C35 Mk-2
> Bristol, RI
> On 6/25/2022 12:18 PM, RON CASCIATO via CnC-List wrote:
> Hi Dan, not sure if this helps but......some time ago after the factory
> closed,  South Shore Yachts in Toronto collected most of the boat files
> including something called a "build file".
> This file was specific to a single boat and was filed by the hull number.
> They made these files available to owners for $35-50.
> I have the one for my 38MKIIC and it is about 50 sheets long and details
> the build including drawings and, in my case, a 2 year later rework of the
> floor because of "flexing"?????
> I think Rob Maclachlan finally transferred the remaining documents to the
> Marine Museum (I'm not sure of the exact name, but I do know that some
> listers have had positive corresoondence with them).
> Hopefully, someone here can fill in the missing info to contact them.
> Good luck
> Ron C.
> Impromptu
> C&C 38MKII, #125, '77
> On Jun 25, 2022 6:47 AM, Dan via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
> <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just sending a call out to only C&C44 owners who may have any records
> showing if their boats were built in Ontario or at the factory in
> Rhode Island? Any kind of builders plaque, builders certificate, an
> original receipt or even contact info for someone who has archives from
> when the factories closed down? (I know that's a long shot)
> Thanks so much!
> Dan Cormier
> C&C44 Breakaweigh
> Halifax NS / Florida

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