I can't "see" my destinations, either.  Let's say I want to go from Erie to 
Detroit through the Pelee Passage.  Once I'm in the Lake, I head the boat in 
the general direction, and the red line projection on Navionics will tell me 
when I'm heading for the Passage (about 100 miles away).  Unless there's an 
obstruction in between, that's my course; and Navionics will show my position 
the entire way there.  I can get fancy and draw a route, but unless I need to 
be precisely on the rhumb line, who cares?  If you need to create an imaginary 
mark to round first, you find the location on the chart, put your finger on the 
screen, create a marker (waypoint), and head for that.  It really does simplify 
things for people like me who drive the whole time (no autopilot).      

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Nelson via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> 
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2022 11:17 AM
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
Cc: Jeff Nelson <jhnelso...@gmail.com>
Subject: Stus-List Re: Navionics

Generally, I can't see my destination, for instance hitting an imaginary mark 
off Canso, then turning on a Rhumb line to Halifax Harbour outer mark.  I can 
do the math it is just stupid that I can't just get it off the navionics, or I 
can go down and read it off the raymarine chart plotter or my garmin chart 

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