On 09/16/2014 04:28 PM, Jörgen Maas wrote:
I think this feature would be a nice addition to (the) Cobbler (ecosystem). I'm not quite sure if this should go into Cobbler core, perhaps we should provide additional repo's for add-ons?

Personally i'd love to see greater decoupling of some subsystems of Cobbler and move them into their own subprojects & packages.

Would that be a good solution for your add-on ??

+1 for providing this as an add-on instead of adding to Cobbler core.

+1 for decoupling non-core features from Cobbler (eg Puppet integration, koan integration) in the future. Probably should assert before doing so if current Cobbler module framework would support this decoupling well or if we need to extend it. eg Is it easy for new modules to add new fields to items? Is it easy for new modules to add new methods to XML-RPC interface and new UI elements to
the web UI?

Alan Evangelista

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