Hello all,


Observations at Cherry Creek State Park today, some with Lois Levinson
and Karen Von Saltza. 


On the southern half of the lake: twenty Horned Grebes, one Eared Grebe,
five Western Grebes, one Clark’s Grebe, and two Greater Yellowlegs


At Cottonwood Pond: four Blue-winged Teal. In the same area and
northwestward, there was a dark adult Red-tailed Hawk that may have been a
Harlan’s-Western intergrade, with extensive white on the chest, pale forehead
and ring around the eye, white mottling on the nape, a pale band along the
scapulars and paler brown secondaries, and a pale red tail becoming whitish
toward the base and white along the side.


At the bird observation point on the Prairie Loop:

Semipalmated Plover-1 (very early) and American Avocet-1


At the Twelve Mile Picnic Area:



On the sandspit near the marina: hundreds of gulls, mostly Ring-billed
and California, but a scattering of Herring, two 1st-cycle Thayer’s
Gulls, one adult Lesser Black-backed Gull, and a Franklin’s Gull. There were
also 14 American White Pelicans, but no cormorants yet. There was one Say’s
Phoebe on the dam face near the marina (probably the bird that wintered in the


Bob Andrews



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