Today I took a group of thirteen folks out to Sylvan Dale Guest Ranch 
(private). For a birding tour. We had a great day with 30 species found. What a 
difference between yesterday and today. I had an overflow group out there 
Friday also and we saw way fewer birds. (Can you say "WINDY"?)

We spent about 3 hours browsing the ranch and enjoying the birds and weather. 
Highlights for folks were the Broad-winged Hawk (mis-identified by me in the 
field, darn it) that dropped what was left of his Magpie so we could all ooh 
and ahh and ick, over it. (It was a male magpie by the way..eww.) The plethora 
of Western Bluebirds almost in our laps, the jewel of a Mountain Bluebird, two 
fly-bys of Broad-tailed Hummers, and the Bushtit and Ruby-crowned Kinglet flock 
we had to practically extract from our pockets. We saw lots of Yellow-rumped 
Warblers too - all Myrtles.  All in all a very fun day.

Thanks to Becca for the not-so-mental bird list!

Song Sparrow
European Starling
American Robin
Common Grackle
Belted Kingfisher
Canada Goose
Common Merganser
American Goldfinch
House Finch
Northern Flicker
Broad-tailed Hummingbird
Western Meadowlark
Western Bluebird
Mountain Bluebird
Say's Phoebe
Dark-eyed Junco (Pink-sided)
White-crowned Sparrow
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Black-capped Chickadee
Spotted Towhee
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Steller's Jay
Cooper's Hawk
Broad-winged Hawk
Red-winged Blackbird
Mourning Dove
Black-billed Magpie
American Kestrel

Connie Kogler
Birds O' The Morning .com
Aslan's Own .com

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