Hi Everyone-


Today 4/20, Marcia Marvin and I did some birding around Longmont and
Boulder. We found no larks or longspurs along 119th Street or Oxford Roads
today, so we went over to Twin Lakes. We saw three Mountain Bluebirds, a N
Rough-winged Swallow, and a Gray-headed Junco at the west parking area, and
a Hermit Thrush south of the two bridges (near the owls). The baby Great
Horned Owl is starting to grow out of its down. At Cottonwood Marsh, we
found among the crowd a Bald Eagle, three White-faced Ibis, a Willet, a
Greater Yellowlegs, a Cinnamon Teal , multiple Blue-winged Teal, Tree and
Barn Swallows, a pair of Great-tailed Grackles (the female was at the east
end of the boardwalk, and the male sang his heart out at her), and a
Yellow-headed Blackbird.  Bill Kaempfer told us about an Eastern Phoebe that
Peter Gent had found at the 75th Street bridge, so we went over there. It
took but a few minutes to find the phoebe in the willows upstream from the
bridge, and soon enough it started singing.  All in all a pretty nice


Mark Miller

Longmont, CO


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