>> On 27 Jul 2016, at 09:33, Trygve Inda <cocoa...@xericdesign.com> wrote:
>> If the worker thread calls window.imageRep = myResult; it is possible that
>> the main thread is in the middle of a call like:
>> [[window.imageRep]
>> drawInRect:fromRect:operation:fraction:respectFlipped:hints:]
>> So when the setter (called from the worker thread) replaces the old imageRep
>> with a new one, the old one's retain count goes to zero and it will
>> disappear.
>> I know atomic makes the call safe as far as a vaild value is concerned, but
>> the main thread could call window.imageRep and get a valid value (because it
>> is atomic), but before it is able to use this value, the worker thread calls
>> the setter which causes the imageRep obtained by the main thread to be
>> released.
> No it couldn’t - because when the main thread calls window.imageRep it gets a
> reference which, whether it assigns it to a variable or just uses it in in a
> chained call (like you have above with drawInRect:.) is retained by the main
> thread during the life of that variable or during the call. So it doesn’t
> matter if the worker thread replaces it after the call to window.imageRep, the
> main thread’s reference remains valid and usable and is only released when
> it’s finished with it and only then gets deallocated (if nothing else is
> referencing it)

How is it retained by the main thread without an explicit retain call?

I would be no different than a main thread calling:

someVar [[MyObj alloc] init]
[someVar doSomething];

If a worker thread were able to call [someVar release] between these two
lines, the doSomething call could fail.


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