>> On 27 Jul 2016, at 12:05 PM, Trygve Inda <cocoa...@xericdesign.com> wrote:
>> How is it retained by the main thread without an explicit retain call?
>> I would be no different than a main thread calling:
>> someVar [[MyObj alloc] init]
>> [someVar doSomething];
>> If a worker thread were able to call [someVar release] between these two
>> lines, the doSomething call could fail.
> The atomic setter method probably looks something like this:
> - (void) setImageRep:(NSImageRep*) rep
> {
> @synchronized( self )
> {
> [rep retain];
> [_imageRep autorelease];
> _imageRep = rep;
> }
> }
> i.e. the old value is autoreleased. Which thread’s pool gets that autorelease
> is a matter for consideration though. I have no idea if it’s just left to the
> caller’s pool, or if there are steps taken to ensure it ends up in the main
> pool. Even if it’s the caller’s pool, unless you’re draining it on each loop,
> it may only ever get drained when the thread ends, which is safe. But it could
> accumulate a lot of unreleased memory which is another potential problem.
> Threads are tricky ;)

And BTW I am draining the pool on each loop of the worker thread.


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