>> On 27 Jul 2016, at 10:05, Trygve Inda <cocoa...@xericdesign.com> wrote:
>> How is it retained by the main thread without an explicit retain call?
> are you not using ARC? If you are then all such references, both variable and
> during method calls are retained automatically. If you’re not, then do what
> ARC does and retain it explicitly and release it explicitly (and start using
> ARC in that case!)

This is non-ARC code. It is a large project and convertig to ARC is a huge
amount of work.

>> I would be no different than a main thread calling:
>> someVar [[MyObj alloc] init]
>> [someVar doSomething];
> That isn’t compilable code. Did you mean
> someVar = [ [ MyObj alloc]init ]
> [ someVar doSomething ];


> Again if you’re using ARC, none of these issues are issues.
> Why would a worker thread call [ someVar release ] on a variable it didn’t
> retain in the first place? If that’s actually a realistic scenario and you’re
> not using ARC, then call retain on someVar when you assign it in the first
> place and release it only after you’re finished with it, after the call to
> doSomething. Which, by the way, is pretty much what ARC does.

I would think that even with a retain it could get weird...

The main thread wants to use the imageRef property so it calls:

myRef = [window.imageRef];
[myref retain];

If right between these calls, the worker thread calls setImageRef (on a
property with atomic, copy), then the retain call in the main thread might
be on something that has already gone away.

I just don't see how I can safely set the property on a worker thread and
read it on the main thread without some risk of it being released behind my


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